Friday, 14 April 2017

Dating Advice

Lots of people now a days assume that if you are too confident then you must be f***boy but that's not true. Dating is very simple if you have had practice and now what to do and what not to do.  For any gender it is very simple all you have got to do is follow some simple steps.

1. Find someone who you would like to go out with.
2. Make them become your friend. Make sure you are friendly with them but not too friendly otherwise they might get the impression that you like them.
3. Become very close friends.
4.Become best friends,
5. Tell them you have feelings for them.

If you get rejected don't worry it is not the end of the world. You can always escape the friend-zone but it will require time. If you do get rejected you can call them cute things like beautiful or things like that.

6.Ask them out.

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